Release Notes - 1.0



Contains the Highlight Agent 5.4.91 and replaces the previous 1.0.3-funcrel release that has been withdrawn.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
42150 Fixes an issue causing an API error on GET: “HTTP Error 400: highlight.server.client.campaignApplication.update.NoAnalysis”.

Other Updates

Fixes an issue causing the log warning message “RuntimeError: Analysis ran with errors” and causing the HLAutomation.log to not be created.
Fixes an issue causing the log warning message “RuntimeError: Analysis ran with errors”.

New Support

Summary Details
Additional data for Third Party Component feature in CAST Imaging Added “Safer Closest Version” and “Safest Version” - see also:



This extension has been withdrawn.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
41248 Fixes an issue causing a warning entry in the analysis log: “No CloudReady patterns found for Mainframe”. This fix ensures that Mainframe related technologies are now supported correctly.
40661 An update has been implemented to ensure that the log file contains information about which Java JRE the extension is using.

New Support

Summary Details
CloudReady support for Mainframe technologies Added bookmarks for CloudReady blockers/boosters for Mainframe technologies.



This release fixes a breaking change added to the Highlight Agent when introducing Green IT. As a result, a new Highlight Agent (5.4.64) is provided in this release.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
40076 Fixes an issue causing the Highlight to MRI extension to fail to load data into CAST Highlight with the error “Highlight API Error on GET”.


Other Updates

Fixes an issue where the analysis of source code containing a folder called “node_modules” takes too much time. This folder is now excluded.
Update hardcoded links to Highlight documentation.



Please note that Highlight Agent requires at least Java 11 runtime in system path. Java 8 runtime is no longer supported by Highlight Agent.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
38281 Fixes an issue where it is not possible to find highlight tags after importing application into CAST Imaging.

Other Updates

The error message to explain that the extension requires a minimum release of Java 11 has been updated and clarified. In previous releases of the extension, using an older release of Java caused an error with an unclear message in the log.
The Highlight Agent has been updated from 5.4.29 to 5.4.43.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1200124 TRUE New CloudReady pattern definition: “Use of Active Directory / LDAP authentication is not fully compatible with cloud providers (AWS, Azure…)”.



Please note that Highlight Agent version 5.4.29 requires at least Java 11 runtime in system path. Java 8 runtime is no longer supported by Highlight Agent.

Other Updates

Update Highlight Agent from 5.3.76 to 5.4.29.

New Support

Summary Details
Added additional CloudReady patterns CloudReady patterns for Google Cloud Platform have been added.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
35420 Fixed an issue where a warning error was seen in the log during the analysis “IndexError: list index out of range”.

Other Updates

Fixed an issue causing a crash when long paths are involved. As part of the fix, the extension calls the Highlight agent only on source code and no longer on Maven/Nuget/.NET assembly folders (which often contain long paths).


Other Updates

Fixed an issue where the following error is displayed: “plugin has encountered the following error : IndexError: list index out of range while running com.castsoftware.highlight2mri.1.0.0-alpha1”.



This is the first release of this extension.