Cassandra for CQL - 1.0

Extension ID


What’s New?

See Cassandra support for CQL source code - 1.0 - Release Notes.


This extension provides source code analysis support for *.cql files.

Technology support

Apache Cassandra Supported
4.x (tick)
3.x (tick)
2.x (tick)
1.x (tick)

Function Point, Quality and Sizing support

Function Points
(tick) A green tick indicates that OMG Function Point counting and Transaction Risk Index are supported.
Quality and Sizing (tick) A green tick indicates that CAST can measure size and that a minimum set of Quality Rules exist.

CAST Imaging Core compatibility

Release Operating System Supported
8.3.x Microsoft Windows (tick)

Download and installation instructions

The extension will not be automatically installed by CAST Imaging Console.

Source code discovery

A discoverer is provided with the extension to automatically detect CQL related code: a project will be discovered for the package’s root folder when at least one .cql file is detected in the root folder or any sub-folders. For every project located, one Universal Technology Analysis Unit will be created:

What results can you expect?


Icon Object Type

Cassandra CQL Schema

Cassandra CQL Table

Cassandra CQL View

Cassandra CQL Table Column

Cassandra CQL Index

Cassandra CQL Primary Key

Cassandra CQL Trigger

Cassandra CQL Function
Link Type Caller Callee Description
useSelect Cassandra CQL View

Cassandra CQL Table

Cassandra CQL View





Cassandra Java CQL Query

Cassandra Java Operation

Cassandra CQL Table

Cassandra CQL View

Cassandra Java Table

See the documentation for the extension.
relyonLink Cassandra CQL Index Cassandra CQL Table

relyonLink Cassandra Java Index Cassandra Java Table

See image above.


Cassandra CQL Index

Cassandra CQL Primary Key

Cassandra CQL Table Column implied in the index

See image above.


Cassandra Java Index

Cassandra Java Primary Key

Cassandra Java Table Column implied in the index See the documentation for the extension.

Known Limitations

  • Primary Key on View is not supported
  • View columns are not supported
  • Trigger is not linked with Java Classes that implements the trigger
  • There is no link between Function and the external objects - Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and Scala - from the code block.