Release Notes - 1.1



Update psalm (master branch, commit e72fb5a2b31e606abd525f867696c5ba5bf7451b)

Other Updates

Psalm standard error is now redirected to cast.analysers.log with a [psalm stderr] prefix.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1034054 TRUE Avoid parsing XML data without restriction of XML External Entity Reference (XXE) (PHP)
1034056 TRUE Avoid using hard-coded HMAC keys (PHP)
1034058 TRUE Avoid uncontrolled sleep calls (PHP)


Other Updates

Switch to Psalm master branch (commit 96d83947615641734a5baa181d44da7f10ee0246) which will be the future version 6.x.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1034024 TRUE Avoid second order SQL injection (PHP)
1034026 TRUE Avoid second order code injection (PHP)
1034028 TRUE Avoid second order LDAP injection (PHP)
1034030 TRUE Avoid second order OS command injection (PHP)
1034032 TRUE Avoid second order PHP Remote File Inclusion
1034034 TRUE Avoid second order cookie injection (PHP)
1034036 TRUE Avoid second order file path manipulation (PHP)
1034038 TRUE Avoid cross-site scripting (persistent) (PHP)
1034040 TRUE Avoid second order deserialization injection (PHP)
1034042 TRUE Avoid second order HTTP header injection (PHP)
1034044 TRUE Avoid second order server-side request forgery (PHP)
1034046 TRUE Avoid second order reflection injection (PHP)
1034048 TRUE Avoid using insufficient random generator (PHP)
1034050 TRUE Avoid XPath injection (PHP)
1034052 TRUE Avoid second order XPath injection (PHP)