Release Notes - 3.7


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
45553 Fixes an issue causing SQL-004 warnings for 5 files during link creation phase for an Oracle analysis.
45635 Fixes an issue where the analysis became stuck after the “DssRun” step finished successfully.
45659 Fixed tables columns reported as missing procedures.
46125 Fixed missing links between Cobol SQL Query and Tables.

Other Updates

Fixes an issue where some objects (Synonyms, Missing Tables) were incorrectly set as “end points” isntead of “data entities” for transaction purposes.
Removed SQL Analyzer log messages from analysis units that are not SQL related.
Cobol SQL Query object: fixed missing links when FETCH is used with NEXT ROWSET.
Fixed missing links between JPQL Query and SQL Tables.
Oracle PL/SQL scripts: a change has been implemented to ensure that a BEGIN in a PROMPT statement is no longer considered the beginning of a block statement.
JDBC SQL Query objects: fixed incorrectly created Missing table object for CREATE TABLE statements.
Spring JDBC Query obejcts: fixed missing links for tables that have the same name.
CTLCode objects: fixed missing links between CTLCode and SQL Table objects when the name of the table is PRINT.
Fixed duplicated tables.
DotNet Enterprise Library SQL Query object: fixed an issue causing a missing Procedure.
Fixed duplicated synonyms.
Improved application level performance.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1101026 FALSE Fixed false positive violation which was occurring when the table’s schema name is a parameter.

New Support

Summary Details
Support for missing tables for Entity Operations Added the support for missing tables for Entity ORM CRUD operations. You should install com.castsoftware.sqlanalyzer >= 3.7.0-funcrel if you have Entity Operations in your applications and you are already using com.castsoftware.entity >= 2.2.12-funcrel.
Support fo IMS linking Added support for the linking between IMS SQL Query objects and IMS DB Segment objects. Available with com.castsoftware.mainframe >= 1.4.0-alpha1 and com.castsoftware.wbslinker >= 1.7.33.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
40693 Fixed false positive on the rule 1101106 “Avoid tables without primary key / unique key constraint / unique index”.
41969 Fixes an issue causing missing “belongs to” links.
44556 Improved links for SQL DML files: DML files are now considered as data exports only when INSERTs have static data.

Other Updates

Improved detection of DATA exports vs DML files.
Fixed SQL-002 parsing issue raised on ALTER TABLE … RENAME statement.
Fixed missing insert link from Spring JDBC Query to SQL Table.
Fixed application level error.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1101106 FALSE Fixed false positives for the rule “Avoid tables without primary key / unique key constraint / unique index”.

New Support

Summary Details
ORACLE : Object Types : added call link for indirect calls Added callLink from a Method’s Type via another Method’s Type when an object’s method is called indirectly, via a variable.
ORACLE : Object Types : added relyon link for parameters/variables datatypes Added relyonLink from Type’s Method to another Type/Table when parameters/variables datatypes are Type/Table Columns.
ORACLE : Object Types : changed link type from sub Type to super Type The link inheritLink has been changed to inheritExtendLink.
ORACLE : Object Types : added new link between methods Added inheritOverrideLink from a Method’s Type which overrides a super Type’s Method.
Support for missing tables Added support for missing tables for .NET/JEE ORM CRUD operations.
Link ORM CRUD Operations with SQL Tables/Views Moved the linking of ORM CRUD Operations with SQL Tables/Views from Universal Linker (com.castsoftware.wbslinker) to SQL Analyzer.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
44816 Fixed incorrect missing table object “LOCKS” created for SQL statement “USE AND KEEP UPDATE LOCKS”.
44915 Fixed an issue causing the error “ERROR: negative substring length not allowed.”
42424 Fixed false link between SQL Server Procedures and Db2 Tables.

Other Updates

Changed SQL Analysis objects GUID’s. The analysis unit name logged in the analysis log will no longer contain the numeric suffix. Eg.: a previous GUID “SQLScriptFunction?Main_sourcesDatabase_36645.CASTPUBS.STORENAME_PROC” will change to “SQLScriptFunction?Main_sourcesDatabase.CASTPUBS.STORENAME_PROC”. During the update to the new version, all SQL Analyzer GUID’s will be migrated.
When two missing objects with same name are created one in DEFAULT the second in a named missing schema - because the object is prefixed - the one in the DEFAULT schema should be merged in the second one, from the named schema. E.g.: for the following SQL Embedded Queries: “select * from TOTO.TATA and “select * from TATA” a single Missing Table will be created : “TOTO.TATA.TATA”.
Fixed Invalid name assigned to artifact when %SCHEMA% prefix is used in SQL script. E.g. : “CREATE PROCEDURE %SCHEMA%.TOTO” … previous to the fix the SQL Procedure was named “%” and now the name is “TOTO”.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1101008 FALSE Fixed false positives / negatives for “Avoid non-SARGable queries”.
1101102 FALSE Fixed false negatives for “Avoid using LIKE conditions without wildcards”.
1101024 FALSE Fixed false negatives for “Avoid using dynamic SQL in SQL Artifacts”.
1101090 FALSE Fixed false positives for “Avoid Tables without a clustered Index (SQL)”.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
43979 Fixed Trigger and Index fullnames when only the table name is prefixed.

Other Updates

Fixed random metric inconsistency for metric “Max Control Statements Nested” for duplicated objects, created in different SQL files.
Fixed false link between a procedure and a table, when table is not in the procedure scope.

New Support

Summary Details
Add support for the Teradata statement DATABASE <DATABASE_NAME>; The default session database is correctly detected.


Other Updates

Fixes an issue causing the creation of a “SQL Missing Table” object when a standard SQL table obejct with the same name already exists.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1101006 FALSE Fixed a false positive violation on the rule 1101006 “Avoid non-indexed XXL SQL queries”.
1101008 FALSE Fixed a false positive violation on the rule 1101008 “Avoid non-SARGable queries”.
1101076 FALSE Fixed a missing violation for the rule 1101076 “Avoid unqualified column references”.

New Support

Summary Details
New advisor: Migrate DB2 to MySQL Added support for “Migrate DB2 to MySQL” advisor rules in com.castsoftware.sql.movetocloud extension.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
43519 Fixed missing Oracle procedure and package objects when the SQL file is considered as DML instead of DDL.

Other Updates

Fixed SQL-002 analysis warning for ALTER TABLE statements.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1101006 FALSE Removed false positives when the table is filtered via a CASE statement. And also in the situation when multiple tables with the same name are matching for the selected table.

New Support

Summary Details
Added the support for new SQL file extensions. More file extensions are supported. You can find all details in the official documentation