Covered Technologies

Global overview

Sub-technology / framework Version(s) supported Function Points
Quality and Sizing Supported by
Azure SQL

2005, 2008, 2012, 2014

(tick) (tick) SQL Analyzer Extension and Analyzer embedded in CAST AIP as Microsoft SQL Server - analyzed as Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL.
IBM DB2 UDB Up to version 11.1 (tick) (tick) SQL Analyzer Extension
IBM DB2 z/OS Up to version 12 (tick) (tick)
Informix Up to version 12.x (tick) (tick)
MariaDB Up to version 10.x (tick) (tick)

Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL

2005, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 (tick) (tick) Analyzer embedded in CAST AIP
Up to version 2019 (tick) (tick) SQL Analyzer Extension
MySQL Up to version 8.x (tick) (tick)
Oracle Server PL/SQL Oracle PL/SQL 8i (8.1.6.x, 8.1.7.x) - 19c (tick) (tick) Analyzer embedded in CAST AIP
Up to version 19c (tick) (tick) SQL Analyzer Extension
PostgreSQL Up to version 15.x (tick) (tick) SQL Analyzer Extension
SQLite Up to version 3.x (tick) (tick)
Support for DDL and DML *.sql files using an over language of ANSI SQL-92 - (tick) (tick)
Sybase ASE T-SQL 12.0, 12.5.x, 15.0+ESD#2, 15.0.2, 15.5, 15.7, 16.0 (tick) (tick) Analyzer embedded in CAST AIP
Up to version 16.0 (tick) (tick) SQL Analyzer Extension
Teradata Up to version 17.x (tick) (tick)

Detailed technology support for analyzers embedded in AIP

The lists below are valid only for the analyzers embedded in CAST AIP. See SQL Analyzer Extension for information about additional support for SQL technologies.


Version Supported Supported by reference Deprecated Comments

Azure SQL 2005


Analyzed as Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL

Azure SQL 2008


Azure SQL 2012 (tick)

Azure SQL 2014 (tick)

Microsoft SQL Server T-SQL

Version Supported Supported by reference Deprecated Comments

Microsoft T-SQL 2005


Supported with limitations: Some syntax is not supported. See section below entitled Unsupported Microsoft SQL-Server syntax for Microsoft SQL Server.

Microsoft T-SQL 2008


Microsoft T-SQL 2012 (tick)

Supported with limitations: New syntax introduced in Microsoft T-SQL 2012 and above is not supported.
Microsoft T-SQL 2014 (tick)

Microsoft T-SQL 2016
Microsoft T-SQL 2017
Microsoft T-SQL 2019

Sybase ASE T-SQL


Supported Supported by reference Deprecated


Sybase T-SQL 12.0


Sybase T-SQL 12.5.x with x ≤ 3


Supported with limitations: Some syntax is no supported. See section below entitled Unsupported Sybase ASE 12.5.x syntax (see elements in bold).

Sybase T-SQL 12.5.4


Supported with limitations: Databases should be at syntax level 12.5.3 or lower. New syntax introduced in later versions is not supported.

Sybase T-SQL 15.0+ESD#2
Sybase T-SQL 15.0.2


Sybase T-SQL 15.5


Sybase T-SQL 15.7
Sybase T-SQL 16.0

Oracle PL/SQL


Supported Supported by reference Deprecated Comments

Oracle 8i (8.1.6.x, 8.1.7.x)


Please note that the extraction of schemas on Oracle 8i via the CAST Delivery Manager Tool and via the standalone CAST Database Extractor is now unsupported. However, it is still possible to analyze Oracle 8i if you have output from an older version of the standalone CAST Database Extractor.

Oracle 9i R1 (


Oracle 9i R2 (


Oracle 10g R1 (10.1.0.x) with x ≥ 2


Oracle 10g R2 (10.2.0.x) with x ≥ 2


Oracle 11g R1 ( -


Oracle 11g R2 (11.2)

Oracle 12c R1 (12.1) (tick)

Supported with limitations: New syntax introduced in Oracle 12c and above is not supported.
Oracle 12c R2 (12.2) (tick)

Oracle 18c, 19c